Fake Dataset Description: School District Data
Dataset Name: Multiple School Districts Student Information
This is a fabricated dataset containing information about students from multiple school districts. The dataset includes data on the age of students, random names, scores, and genders for analytical purposes. Data is screwed and randomly weighted on each feature to provide a more realistic dataset.
.csv files inside a ZIP
Name(FirstName & LastName): Randomly generated names for students
Age: Age of the students in years
Scores: Random scores achieved by students
Gender: Gender of the students (male, female, or other)
Reg Date: Date of a fake registrations
Date: A fake datetime in the future
District: A random school district
Class Size: Random class sized assigned to each district
Sample Data:
Mariam,Fleming,91,Highland Central School District,25,Male,2024-01-28 08:11:20,2024-05-07 00:00:00
Barbara,Middleton,78,Springfield View School District,33,Male,2024-01-18 15:02:59,2024-05-05 00:00:00
This dataset is created for illustrative purposes only and does not represent actual student information. It can be used for educational exercises, data analysis practice, or demonstrating data manipulation techniques.
The names, ages, scores, and genders in this dataset are entirely fictional and do not correspond to real individuals. District names have been shuffled and DO NOT represent actual school districts.
For any further inquiries or requests, please contact Data Care Solutions.