Consistency and Cohesion
Maintain consistency in style, color scheme, and formatting across all visualizations.
Ensure cohesion by aligning visualizations logically to tell a coherent story.
Use standardized visualization elements to enhance the overall dashboard design.
Interactivity and Exploration
Incorporate interactive features such as filters, drill-downs, or tooltips to allow users to explore data further.
Enable users to customize visualizations based on their preferences or specific queries.
Balance interactivity with simplicity to avoid overwhelming users with options.
Accuracy and Trustworthiness
Ensure that visualizations accurately represent the underlying data without distortion or bias.
Provide data source information and explain any transformations or calculations applied.
Validate visualizations through testing and verification to build trust among users.
Relevance and Context
Ensure that visualizations are relevant to the dashboard's purpose and audience.
Provide context through annotations or additional information to aid interpretation.
Use appropriate visualization types based on the nature of the data and the insights you want to convey.
Clarity and Simplicity
Keep visualizations simple and easy to understand.
Use clear labels, titles, and legends to avoid confusion.
Avoid clutter by focusing on the most important data points.